Student Life

Health Office

Student Life

Health Office

PLEASE NOTE: It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the school health office of any changes in a student's health, such as injury, illness, surgery, need for medication(s) at school, etc.  Please contact the school nurse with questions, comments, or concerns regarding your student's health.

Health News

List of 4 frequently asked questions.

  • Physical Examination Requirements

    Health examinations will be required for students in grades 7, and 11. The examinations may be completed up to one year to the month before your child begins these grades. The exams will be valid for a full year through the last day of the month in which the exam was conducted.

    In addition, Education Law, Section 903 and the Regulations of the NYS Commissioner of Education require physical examinations of all children when they:

    --Enter the school district for the first time
    --Participate in interscholastic sports
    --Need working papers
    --Are referred to/by the Committee on Special Education
    --Are deemed necessary by the school authorities to determine a child’s educational program.

    We recommend that all examinations be done by your family physician or healthcare provider. If you do not have a healthcare provider and/or insurance, please contact the school nurse for assistance.

  • Immunization Requirement Alert

    All students entering grades 6, 7 and 12 in NYS will be required to be vaccinated against meningococcal disease as follows:
    Grade 6: Tdap
    Grade 7:
     1 dose of MenACWY vaccine 
    Grade 12: 2 doses of MenACWY with last dose on or after 16 years of age or 1 dose MenACWY on or after age 16 years.

    Please take this information with you when you see your healthcare giver and discuss whether your student has appropriate immunizations. Your healthcare giver may wish to check with the NYS Department of Health for further information. Please bring in proof of appropriate vaccination(s) to your school nurse on or before September 1. Thank you for your kind cooperation in this important matter.

  • Important Info Regarding Immunizations

    New York State law regarding immunizations states that all students entering Aquinas for the first time and 6th graders are required to show evidence of required immunizations. Students transferring into Aquinas from other schools in the United States are required to have immunization records transferred. International Students must comply with all immunization policies as designated by Aquinas and the Monroe County Department of Health. Please be aware that evidence of immunizations must be provided and there will be no exceptions. If the evidence is not presented by September 15, the student must be excluded from school and marked illegally absent (this is the law). Please read the immunization policy under Health Forms for further information.

  • Cold & Flu Season - Helpful Tips

    Cold and flu season is upon us! To help prevent the spread of the flu and other germs, there are everyday preventive actions that the CDC recommends. Click here to learn more (PDF).

Contact Details

P: (585) 254-2020 x1031
F: (585) 647-8316

General Information

List of 5 frequently asked questions.

  • Immunizations:

    New York State Public Health Law requires that all students enrolled in school be immunized and that verification of immunization be on record with the school health office by September of each school year.

  • Medications:

    Prescribed medication that is not ordered as a “self-carry” may be dispensed only by the school nurse or a designated employee. Students who need to take any medication must contact the nurse.

  • Student Illness:

    Any student who becomes ill during the day must have a pass from the teacher and must report to the nurse or to the Main Office. A student may remain in the nurse’s office for a MAXIMUM of one class period. If the nurse determines that the student needs to go home, parents will be notified. A student will not be permitted to leave school unless the parents are contacted. Students may not call home to report illness or request parents to pick them up. Any student who fails to abide by the policy will be considered truant.

  • Student Injury:

    If a student is injured during school hours, the student must report the accident to the supervising staff member. A student injured during athletic practice or other co-curricular activity must report the injury to the coach or faculty moderator immediately.

  • The NYS Department of Education mandates the following yearly screenings:

    Vision – All new entrants in grades 7 & 11
    Hearing – All new entrants in grades 7 & 11
    Scoliosis – Girls in grade 7 and boys in grade 9
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Rochester, NY 14613
(585) 254-2020
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